Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

June 19-22 Father's Day and the first official day of summer

Friday was a hazy day but warm at around 23 C. Didn't go out on the boat today as we attended to things here at the house. The biggest chore was finally taking the motorhome up to the sani-dump as it finally opened to dump the tanks from our trip home from the USA mid-March. There was not a lot in the tanks, only the last 3 days of travel but nonetheless, I wanted it out! Of course I first loaded the tanks up with water from the hose here, so there was a better clean out at the other end. There is no way to attach a hose up at the dump to do a back-flush as the hose is fitted with two female ends. lol. Ray will have to get an adapter so he can do it for next time.

Kristi called and asked what was for lunch? She wanted to stop for a short visit before driving out to Kissinger Lake to meet up with Jason. Off to the store I went for some lunch fixin's. :) We had a great visit for an hour and off she went. The rest of the afternoon we spent sitting up on the deck where there was a little breeze. Down on the dock was hot and muggy as we found out putting the boat cover back on due to the predicted rain tonight.

One of my Iris's in the front garden.

Over in Squamish, the other grandparents arrived for their first meeting with Stella. Apparently the "fight was on" as to who was going to hold her. lol

Ana and Bill and one very much loved Stella!

Saturday morning was very warm and wet outside. Mostly drizzly, but I did hear the rain coming down harder in the early hours of the morning.

Ray was pretty sore today, an accumulation of a week or so of hurting more than usual, so it was a down day for him. First up "into the hot tub for him!

I saw a recipe in my Facebook feed for Tropical Margarita's so had to try that for him too.

In between rain showers, Freya spent her time on the back lawn, while Ray and I stayed up on the deck. Part of the reason for Ray's soreness is due to giving our lawn "measles" again ... reseeding the areas where he got rid of a bunch of weeds, a large patch of poor grass and many dog pee spots. lol

Our neighbours are spending quite a bit of time the past few weeks getting a rock wall built surrounding their lawn, and a new concrete walkway to their gangway to their dock. Also they built a hot tub platform with all the work entailed and finally yesterday, their new lawn was seeded and the hedge between us severely pruned. Definitely improves our view of the lake from the deck. :) Thanks Mike.

View from our deck

Fortunately for them the day stayed reasonably nice with only a few misty showers until late afternoon when the rain began again.

Ray went to Duncan earlier this morning and picked up some fresh spot prawns for a treat for Father's Day so that was dinner. One happy guy. The prawns were so fresh that they were jumping around in the bag when I opened it up. We have not eaten prawns this fresh since we used to catch them ourselves 10 years ago. :)  He also purchased some Honey Blue mussels from nearby Salt Spring Island.  Apparently the store rarely gets these and never this large.  They were excellent.  Feels like we're back at Newport Beach! 

Sunday, Happy Father's Day

Ray had his "Father's Day" a day early yesterday. lol This morning very grey and breezy outside. Hopefully it clears up for the afternoon. For Ray's breakfast I made a breakfast pizza with homemade dough. It turned out pretty good.

Talked with Garrett this morning ... his first Father's Day. Kat sent us this picture for Ray's first "Grandpa's Father's Day."

While taking these shots, Stella's "poop face" occurred and Ray almost got that pic instead. 

For dinner tonight I'm trying smoked pork belly bites on the Traeger Smoker. Should be tasty and it was. Down day for Ray as he continues recouping today, so he just relaxed and we managed to get outside for a while in the afternoon. Of course the sun came out late in the afternoon.

Monday Kristi and Jason stopped by on the way home from their fishing/camping trip at Kissinger Lake to celebrate a belated Father's Day with Ray. I made burgers on the BBQ. After lunch Jason headed home with the trailer and Kristi stayed a couple more hours at our campfire in the backyard. A great day.

This picture, Stella looks just like Garrett did as a baby.

And that was Ray's Father's Day celebrations.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Another week closer to Summer. June 12-18th

This past week seemed to pass in a blink of an eye. We have settled into our life of just "doing". Not much new to report this past week. Outings have been limited to going shopping into Duncan, masked up and well sanitized. 

Ray worked on projects in his shop, played in the yard getting his grass to look great, and I did kitchen and house stuff. Ray and I did manage to get out on the boat fishing, not "catching" lol a couple of times this week. 

The weather has not been very nice so a lot of time spent inside. We did manage to sit outside at least once a day in between showers however. That definitely helps keep your spirits up.(Ray here... spirits, did someone mention spirits?)

Baby Stella continues to thrive and has the most chubby cheeks now.

This week I also managed to get out in my kayak for the first time. It is nice that the temps have risen even though the lake is still at only 61F.

Thursday, out fishing the narrows. Lots of fish on the sounder but nothing caught on our lines. lol Beautiful morning though, both Ray and I in shorts. :)

Thursday afternoon was the hottest day yet at 24 C. We spent the afternoon down at the dock after fishing and our usual chores.

This past week of rainy warm weather has encouraged my vertical herb garden to grow like crazy. Unfortunately my tomatoes on the sundeck are not quite as happy with the weather. Hopefully the next few weeks have better weather. Ray snapped a picture of our huge Portuguese Laurel Hedge blooming. He named it the Covid Flower. lol

The biggest news for me was I was finally able to procure a spot to get my hair cut. Next week my Covid Mullet will go! Good times! My hair stylist here in Lake Cowichan could only make me an appointment for August 15th! I have booked it as I will be ready for another cut by then.

And that was our week!

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Squamish ... get to meet Stella in person!!!

Warning lots of baby pics. lol

Saturday, June 6th

After a wonderful evening last night, both Ray and I slept in until 7am this morning. We didn't get moving after coffee until about 8:30 am. 

Ray back down to his shop to sand the 2 planters we are bringing with us to Squamish and start on a clamp rack for Jason. He came upstairs and showed me he is using all of the clamps he has purchased. lol

The clouds are coming in and we are supposed to get thundershowers this afternoon. Freya won't like that!

Jason and Kristi went to Squamish today to finally get their hands on Stella.

Zeus is very interested in Stella every time she makes a noise apparently.

Pretty uneventful day, I even had a nap after staying up so late last night. lol Once up I was rejuvenated enough, that I decided to make Beef Wellington with the beef tenderloin steaks I took out to thaw this morning. Caesar Salad was also on the menu.

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, eating, table, food and indoor

My best one yet!

Sunday cloudy but breezy. The rain has stopped at least. By 10am it was mostly sunny with some cloudy periods. Ray worked on the clamp rack in and I messed in the kitchen for a bit. 

Kristi and Jason had a great day in Squamish with Kat, Garrett and baby Stella.

Our little frog.

Doing the "Macarena"!

Dancing with Auntie Kristi

Once it warmed up I gave Freya a bath in the lake as she was getting a little smelly from all the swimming she has done over the past 2 weeks. I have eco friendly shampoo that I use to not contaminate the lake i.e. our drinking water. We spent the afternoon down on the dock enjoying the day. The neighbours had company and the kids actually jumped into the lake. The water temp currently is 60F Burrrrr.

In and out of the water in a flash!

Monday, cloudy and showers started around lunch. I was busy doing laundry and getting food organized to take over to Garrett and Kat's tomorrow. BABY DAY! 

Tuesday, June 9th out the door at 8:30 for our 10:30 departure on the ferry to Horseshoe Bay and then up to Squamish. I packed a lunch so we were able to eat sitting in the car on the crossing. We only went upstairs to use the washrooms on the ferry ride. 

Arrived by 1:30 ... Yeah Baby Time!

Pardon the Covid bangs cut! lol

Freya checking out the milk to poop conversion machine!

Lots of baby Stella snuggles for the rest of the day. Garrett instructed me on how to feed her safely so she doesn't choke and what to do if she does. lol What a great daddy.

Garrett and Kat had ordered this "mumaroo" contraption to help being able to put her down so you could do other things when she is a bit fussy. It arrived just before we got there so Garrett hooked her in and not more than 2 minutes later she had the biggest puke up ever! So out she comes... note to self don't put her in the mumaroo until she has had time to digest her latest feed. lol Quite the contraption with all of the controls for different swing motions.

We ordered in White Spot for dinner and Ray picked it up. Kat goes to bed to nap from 8 - 11 pm so Garrett takes over and then Kat looks after her from 11 pm until 5 in the morning when they swap again. Garrett manages a nap in the afternoon. We have thrown their schedule out a little but Stella has started sleeping longer while we were here. Kat has graciously filled bottles for me instead of nursing her, so I got to feed her quite a bit. :)

Wednesday, as Kat would say, rinse and repeat. lol I fed Stella most of the day while Garrett and Kat were able to do a few other things around the house extra naps etc. I made eggs benedict for breakfast so everyone was well-fuelled for the day.

Grandma and her girls.

We even managed a family walk down the trail with Stella in the stroller as the sun came out for a bit.

I'm busy watching her little cheeks bouncing up and down on the rough path. lol

So precious.

Stella melting Grandpa's heart. 

At 3pm I gave up my Stella cuddles reluctantly to prepare and cook prime rib, yorkies, mashed potatoes and carrots for our dinner. Fortunately it all turned out great. Always hard to tell using someone else's stove. It cooked the beast okay but decided to shut off periodically. Now a new stove is on order with their landlord. :)

Kira, Garrett's dog, has been very standoffish with the baby, basically ignoring the fact she is there and kind of ignoring Garrett and Kat too. Having us there, and Freya, she reverted more to her usual self, even finally coming over to sniff Stella while I had her, and touch her nose to her head for the first time since they brought her home 2 1/2 weeks ago. Freya would give her forehead a lick every once in awhile and checking on her when she made noises in her bassinet. Hopefully Kira gets herself more included now.

Sent Kat to bed at 7:30 pm and Ray and I kept Garrett company until about 10:15 pm when we went to bed. More baby snuggles for me.

Thursday morning I was up early at 5:30 am and told Kat to go to bed "I had this", but by the time she was ready after pumping ... everyone else was up anyways. In the wee hours of the night, Kat prepared a bread to bake in the dutch oven so we could have breakfast.

Morning snuggles with Grandma

Tummy Time! Stella is not impressed though!

More baby snuggles and feeding her throughout the day. I was in la la land getting my hands on that baby. Kat kindly pumped a lot so I could feed her myself. They are so good about sharing her. She had her pediatrician's appointment this morning and at 4 weeks old she has gained 2 pounds 5 ounces since her birth. Now at 6 pounds 8 ounces. That's an increase of 40 grams a day instead of the usual 30 grams. They are all very happy with her progress.

While they were at the doctor I made Bacon, Prawn Corn Chowder for lunch so it was ready when the came back home.

My favourite spot to have her is on my chest and it seems to be her favourite too as she sleeps really good on me ... my "larger frame" seems to be the right thing for her. lol We spent many hours just like this. No I'm not sleeping too. :)

The skies cleared and we were able to have a family picture outside. Stella was actually awake and had her eyes open.

For dinner I made baked chicken thighs and Lobster Risotto for dinner. Everyone made short work of their dinner. Stella was fussing so I held her for dinner so Kat could eat. Told her to take advantage ... as this was probably one of the few times she could eat her food hot. lol

Kat went to bed at 7:30 pm, napping in prep for her night time shift with Stella and Ray and I stayed up with Garrett until 9:30. 

Friday morning I was up early at 5 am as Kira kept trying to come into our room to get Freya. lol Sent Kat back to bed upstairs and had my final snuggles with Stella. Garrett fed her while Ray and I packed up. Gonna miss our little "bean".

Last snuggles. 

We left lots of leftovers so the kids won't have to worry about cooking for the next few days. lol  Out the door by 7am and on the 8:30 am ferry out of Horseshoe Bay and arrived home at 11:30 am. A great trip over to Squamish visiting Garrett and Kat. Of course meeting little Stella was the highlight.

Garrett sent us this mornings pic after we left with her eyes open again.

Stella Lee Kyle, 4 weeks old and now 6 1/2 pounds.

We are sure going to miss our little miracle. Kat's parents and brother are arriving next Friday for their first visit with the new addition to the family. Such fun.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Lobsterfest celebrating our neighbour June's Birthday.

Friday June 6th

We were very fortunate to be invited over to Roy and June's for a Nova Scotia Lobster Boil. June had arranged for 25 lbs of fresh lobster to be delivered overnight from Nova Scotia. The weather forecast was for some possible showers but fortunately the evening was beautiful.

Our small group consisted of just the 6 of us neighbours, Pat and Darryl, Roy and June and Ray and I. Perfect to still keep some social distancing, using disposable dishes etc.

Our hosts, Roy and June

Dining with a view!
We brought over our big crab cooker to use. Ray and I had not used it for about 15 years since our Macktush days. I tried it a couple of days ago to make sure it worked ... and it did. Unfortunately it would not light once at Roy's. Fortunately Darryl saved the day with a new one still in the box he had purchased recently so it saved the day! After they figured out how to assemble it without looking at the directions. lol Took a bit but we were back up boiling water within 15 minutes.

Darryl and Roy

Finally they decided to look at the directions. lol


The moment of truth!

Darryl and Pat brought over some smoked salmon for an appetizer, and champagne to toast June.

Pat and June
Roy and I boiled up the lobster and the corn ready for our feast. 

The birthday girl, June, received the biggest lobster.

She only managed to eat the claws and part of the tail it was so big!

Although you see salad on the table .... no one ate any, just lobster and corn. :)

Clean table before the feast! Roy, Darryl and Pat

Roy on his second lobster.

The six of us managed to get through 9 lobsters! Time to relax around the fire and watch the sun set. Lots more wine ....

June and me

Roy, Darryl, Pat and June
 The boys having Aquavit and trying to convince us ... NOT!

We were treated to a lovely sunset.

We managed to all stay up yapping until 11:30 pm before calling it a night. What a great feast.