Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Christmas 2020, Dec 22 - 26

Tuesday, December 22nd. Not much happening here. Finished up last minute stuff for our holiday meals.  Did the last bit of grocery shopping at Country Grocer here in Lake Cowichan and enjoyed the sunshine.

Wednesday, a very cool morning at -1C. The sun came out though which made it nice. Received a call from Jason at 7:45 am ... Kristi is in hospital again and has to stay for 48 hours on IV antibiotics. Still trying to keep the "peanut" inside instead of outside. Jason has been madly trying to get all things "baby" done in the house in preparation. We decided to come up to help out Jason and look after the dogs. They love getting walked by Ray and fed by me. :) Ray installed the baby monitor for Jason in the nursery, another thing off his list.

Here is a picture that Ray took from Kristi's deck. Awesome clear view that you don't see very often with the lower mainland smog. 

Kristi is allowed to stay at her house in Nanaimo for Christmas day only and then has to relocate to Victoria to be close to her fetal medicine specialist at Victoria General. She will have to visit the hospital daily to be checked out. They wanted to admit her but she negotiated to be able to stay at a friends basement suite 18 minutes from the hospital for the duration. Ray and I are trying to take on as much stuff as we can to relieve them of some stress and will keep the dogs with us until they can come back home with baby.  

Thursday morning, Christmas Eve.

I have a list of errands to do for Jason and Kristi that they were unable to get to with all that is going on. Top of the list for Kristi is pacifiers and diaper cream. lol Kristi made it home finally at 6 pm. I had made ham and scalloped potatoes.  Kristi spent her evening on the couch as ordered. She is only allowed to get up to go to the bathroom otherwise has to sit/lay down and not stand.

Up early for stockings and presents. After I made breakfast and we ate, Kristi and Jason headed back to the hospital for a quick checkup and Ray walked the dogs. I was back to washing baby clothes I bought yesterday as Kristi did not have any "preemie" clothes only 0 to 3 months and the peanut will be smaller than that at first. Jason was busy packing up their stuff in preparation of being in Victoria for up to a month. A very busy Christmas morning instead of the relaxing one we would usually have. 

Kristi assuming her position.

Christmas Dinner, Cornish Game Hens, stuffed with rice dressing.

Boxing Day ... I made eggs benedict while Ray took the trimmings off the tree and Kristi packed them into their boxes from the couch. Jason busy packing for Victoria after throwing the tree off the sundeck onto the back yard. I did the last load of laundry for them. We all were packed up by 10 am.  Jason was busy getting all the dishes done, Ray took out the garbage etc, Kristi and I emptied the 2 fridges, as we don't know when they will be back home.

The dogs squished into our car with all our leftover food, luggage and presents. lol After 20 minutes or so the dogs figured it out and managed to be able to lay down.

Kristi and Jason were not far behind us as Kristi needed to go back to Nanaimo Hospital for another fetal check up before leaving for Victoria. She was given the go ahead to go to Victoria. Now we all wait for the "big event". Kristi is 33 weeks as of Christmas Day. Hoping for 35 weeks, but we shall see.

Once we got back to the lake and Ray walked the dogs they were pooped.

Here are some Christmas pictures of our granddaughter Stella that Kat sent us, and a video of Stella blowing raspberries. lol

Her present from us with clothes and the book Garrett is reading to her.

And that was our Covid Christmas. Hopefully never to be repeated again. We are very fortunate though, that we have a place to live, good food to eat and lots of family visits through technology. Next year we will have to double up on hugs to make up for this year. Looking forward to close the door on the year 2020 and feel the optimism for a new year 2021. Imagine for us,  having 2 granddaughters being born during this Pandemic ... definitely stressful not to mention for the stress on the parents. 

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

More December rain. Dec 11 - 21

Here is a picture of the Christmas lights at Kristi and Jason's. My Dad's old net lights certainly came in handy.

Friday morning we headed up to Kristi and Jason's. This weekends project is Ray helping with some of Kristi's gardening she was unable to finish this fall, including harvesting her potatoes and carrots. He also used the blower and got rid of lots of fallen leaves off their sidewalks over the two days.

Jason spent his time in his workshop making the crib for the new baby.

While Ray was busy working in the yard, I was emptying the bedroom that will be the new nursery, washing 4 loads of baby clothes and putting them away in the dresser and closet. The kids had bags of stuff that needed to be put away in the nursery as well.

I made a big dinner on Friday with Kristi supervising as it was her recipe from the rolling chair. Our next dinner was Jaeger schnitzel on Saturday, as it was Kristi's birthday and her choice of what I should make. Lots of left overs so no one will have to cook for a couple of days. :)

It was good we were there as Kristi had some cramping again ... this baby better stay put for a few more weeks. By Saturday night she was feeling better again thankfully. She spent the weekend on the couch receiving lots of phone calls and a porch visit from close friends wishing her a Happy Birthday from a distance.

Glad we were there to get this stuff done so Kristi can do what she needs to do ... lay on the couch. Sunday morning Jason made us all Eggs Benedict "ala Debbie" lol Grasshopper has learned well from Master. :) Thanks a bunch Jason.

Picture of Garrett, Kat and Stella enjoying some sun sending Auntie Kristi some birthday wishes.

Monday morning Ray headed into Duncan running some errands and I baked shortbread and made up the dough for sugar cookies that I will bake tomorrow. I delivered cookie tins filled with shortbread to my neighbours as a treat for Christmas. Another batch will be needed for us. :) (Ray here.... mmmmm me want cookie!) By the afternoon we were back to rain. Other than watching some Christmas movies, that was our day. 

The news was full of pictures of people getting their first Covid vaccinations. Definitely a light at the end of this dark time coming, we just have to be patient.

Today was sugar cookie day.  I made these in our downstairs kitchen as my housecleaner was here and we stay way out of the way while she cleans wearing a mask and gloves. Would have been a whole lot more fun if the family was here to participate. Looking forward to next year. First time using the oven down there. The little gas oven did a good job, timing was a few minutes longer though.

The rest of the day it just poured all day so Ray and I pretty much hunkered down.

Wednesday, another wet day. Ray played in his shop and I watched Christmas movies. Did make nachos for lunch though with my own Queso sauce. We only managed to eat half of it. :)

Stella is now 7 months old. Here is a picture Kat sent us. Such a happy baby.

Friday we popped up to Nanaimo to drop some Christmas presents off at Kristi and Jason's and his parents. Dale is doing a "drive by" on Tuesday to exchange presents as our previously planned Christmas is off. Ray had a little shopping to do and then we came back home. A very wet, miserable day. Once back home we turned on a Christmas movie and had hot chocolate. Glad we have a place to be this year.

Saturday morning, not rainy at least when we woke up but that soon changed and it poured for the rest of the day, especially heavy in the afternoon. Ray went to Duncan for some "Christmas shopping" and I puttered around here and then watch Christmas movies. lol

Sunday ... not much different. Just more puttering and Christmas movies. Jason has the rest of the nursery together in preparation for our new granddaughter.

Monday, December 21st the first day of winter and Mother Nature sure showed us! SNOW, lots of power outages and accidents on the highways. Yikes. Here are a few pictures Ray took while taking Freya for a walk.

We ended up with a total of about 5 inches and at around 3 it started to drizzle. Supposed to get clear and cold tonight though so I imagine roads will be terrible in the morning. It seems that highway crews expected the rain sooner and didn't plow the roads. 

I spent the day preparing some stuff ahead for the Christmas Feast. Some of the Facebook people got some great sunset shots tonight. Our house faces north so we miss most of the colour in the skies. The pink colour amazing for the shortest day of the year. Here are some of the pictures posted.

Here are my pictures. lol

Tuesday morning saw this poem on our one of our Lake Cowichan Facebook pages. Thought it was well done.

T'was 5 sleeps before Christmas, and all through the town, people wore masks, that covered their frown. The frown had begun way back in the spring when a global pandemic changed everything. They called it corona, but unlike the beer, It didn’t bring good times, it didn’t bring cheer. Airplanes were grounded, travel was banned. Borders were closed across air, sea, and land. As the world entered lockdown to flatten the curve, the economy halted, and folks lost their nerve. From March to July we rode the first wave, people stayed home, they tried to behave. When summer emerged the lockdown was lifted, but away from caution, many folks drifted. Now it’s December and cases are spiking, wave two has arrived, much to our disliking. It’s true that this year has had sadness a-plenty, we’ll never forget the year 2020. And just ‘round the corner - The holiday season, but why be merry? Is there even one reason? To decorate the house and put up the tree, who will see it, no one but me. But outside my window, the snow gently falls, and I think to myself, let’s deck the halls! So, I gather the ribbon, The garland, and bows, as I play those old carols, my happiness grows. Christmas is not canceled and neither is hope. If we lean on each other, I know we can cope...Keep it going!
Merry Christmas family and friends!!!!🎄🎄🎄

Well that's about it for the last 10 days lol

Thursday, 10 December 2020

December arrives with some sunshine. Dec 3-10

Pretty quiet here at Kyle's Kottage. One of Ray's walks with Freya, he came upon a huge patch of "fungi", all different colours. We thought it was pretty cool.

Saturday morning Ray and I headed up to Kristi and Jason's in Nanaimo to help with putting up the rest of the outside Christmas lights and decorate their tree. Kristi is officially off work and on "couch rest" for the rest of her pregnancy.  With her doctors approval, who considers us "caregivers", we helped them get ready for Christmas. Kristi was supposed to stay here for several days a week where I could look after her, but after a scare going into the hospital for a few days she stays in Nanaimo close to the hospital and we go there to help out. It's hard to keep her "strapped down to the chair" ... she is so much like her dad. lol Jason appreciates us helping out as it is all on him now with her down for the count.

I also brought up 3 batches of icebox cookies to bake that I had put together the day before. Kristi spent most of the time sitting in a chair directing us all. :) As Ray and I self-isolate and see no one else, Kristi's doctor feels it is good for us to help her so she doesn't stress out and keep that baby growing inside instead of outside. :) 

Baking cookies makes Kristi happy. More Christmas memories.

Ray doing the lights for the tree in the background.

The kids ordered in dinner and we watched a Christmas movie after that. A lovely day spent with some of our favourite people. :)

Sunday morning we were up early and out the door by 8:30 returning to the Lake as we had stuff to do here before the monsoons begin again. lol Back home we dismantled the little dingy bringing in the motor etc. for the rest of the winter. Way too cold and wet now for Ray to go out and the electric motor doesn't need all this rain.

Monday it rained and rained as forecasted ... what a gray day. Nice inside though with our Christmas decor and more light. We left the lights on inside all day. :) Other than me driving into Duncan for my pedicure and a quick shop at Superstore, we stayed inside for the day. For the afternoon, I made banana date loaf for Ray and had a Shepherds Pie in the oven for dinner. 

Tuesday, very foggy, gray morning. More rain in the forecast for today so it will be another quiet day here on the lake. 

Wednesday the sun finally came out again for a while. In between prepping our Chinese Food dinner, I went down to the dock and sat on the deck box and enjoyed the sun on my face for a bit.  Ray went into Duncan for some errands and that was basically our day. Earlier in the week Ray had brought me clippings from bushes in the park so I could make my table centerpiece and I put it together today. It's amazing to find all the different greenery. I'm not the best at arranging, but it definitely looks Christmassy with all the berries.

Thursday, we are back to gloomy skies and a shower on and off. Again, nothing too exciting happening here. Same at everyone else's house, I'm sure.

That was our week here at Kyle's Kottage. 

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Finally we allowed to share our fabulous news! November 26 To December 2nd


Finally we can share our news that we have been waiting to tell everyone for months! Ray and I are thrilled. Kristi is due February 6th but it is unlikely she will go that long. This pregnancy has been a little difficult with a few scares thrown in for good measure ... of course what would one expect of this year of 2020! 

Ray has always stuck out his "skinny belly" comparing his belly to pregnant ladies for years. Kristi said it finally took her almost 7 months to beat him. lol

Trying to hornswaggle the dogs in for the Christmas picture ... epic fail!

Thursday, another rainy day. Jason delivered my bike trainer that was delivered to their house from Amazon. I decided that this was a great thing to use to exercise with this winter instead of getting webbed feet with all the rain. I have a view and a TV! :) Seemed to be the thing to get as I already had my bike.

Elk in the neighbourhood! These beauties were just around the corner from our gated driveway this Friday morning. They did not seem to mind the owner and his dog on the sundeck looking down on them.

Four of them, 1 bull, 2 cows and 1 calf.

Saturday, finally some sunshine. Sure makes the view of the lake very serene. Ray and I puttered in the house until after lunch. (We had Kristi's dogs for the weekend) Took the dog's for a walk and then decided on a campfire in the backyard for a couple of hours enjoying the day. The lake absolutely still. Our neighbour took down a few of the cedar trees in the hedge to open up the view from their hot tub ... it also gave us a better view too. :)

As you see we don't see any sunshine ... it's across the lake. :)

Throw my stick Dad!

This bird came to visit and was very noisy! lol

Zeus decided to take himself for walk down the dock.

A lovely day before the storms come again.

Sunday started out very nice but by 10 am the predicted clouds came in. We did not get any rain until dinner time though. Ray and I just puttered around as usual. Another dark afternoon so it was nice to turn on the Christmas lights inside to cheer us up. Jason came and picked up the dogs in the afternoon.

It sure rained overnight, pounding on the roof. Glad we did not have to go anywhere! By 7am Monday morning it had subsided. Supposed to have the sun come out for several days. Yeah! I was out the door by 8:15 to do a shop at the Superstore in Duncan while there is very few people in the store. Quiet day for us after having Kristi's dogs here for the weekend. Lots of dog hair to vacuum up. lol

So that brings us to the end of November. We are happy that we are safe and healthy and the people we love. Our hearts go out to people who are fighting this terrible disease Covid 19 and also health care workers. I wonder if all those people that are considered recovered, actually are or still fighting long term symptoms ... food for thought.

Tuesday was another non-descript day ... started making some Christmas snacks, nuts and bolts.

Wednesday as it was going to be the sunniest day for awhile, we decided to go back to Stocking Creek Park near Ladysmith. This time we walked to the falls on the near side of the creek for a different perspective from the last time we went. A lovely walk through the forest. Ray got to play with his camera and settings etc. while Freya and I watched. 

Ray's picture of the falls from the bottom. Love the sunshine coming through the trees.

My picture of the falls with my phone from the top.

I took a little video of the falls. There is a lot more water this time than last summer.

After our hour long excursion we decided to go to the Lion Rampart Pub in Maple Bay for lunch. They have an outdoor covered patio which was bathed in sunshine with no wind today. It's right on the water so we had the patio to ourselves with a lovely view. It felt quite warm sitting in the sun, although the temp was 6C. Food was great as well. I had the special, a triple bacon burger. Bacon inside the burger, 2 strips of bacon on the burger and bacon jam as a spread ... yum.  On the way there we stopped so Ray could take a picture of the Bonsall Creek Estuary and the Shoal Islands. So clear today you could even see the mountains on the mainland.

A great outing before we are relegated to house and home again for another week of lockdown. :) We are very fortunate to be living here in a small town on the lake.