Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Saturday, 17 June 2017

June 9 - 15 Tsawwassen Mills Mall

Friday, June 9th

Visited Mum with Ray. She is definitely getting "the boot" into long-term care somewhere. Should know within the next couple of weeks. Once we find out where we will have to arrange for a hospital bed and air mattress and tilting wheelchair we are told by the Occupational Therapist. Maybe the place she gets might have the equipment already or she qualifies for some assistance through the red cross???? If she has to pay for the stuff it will be upwards of $7000 for who knows how long she will be with us.

Saturday, June 10th

Ray and I took the day off and I did a little shopping and made a great appetiser which we shared with Dad and a new Thai Chicken Recipe for our dinner. Yumm.

Honey Dew Melon with Prosciutto and mozzarella balls.
The Thai Chicken Recipe came up on my facebook page so I tried it. Fabulous with Coconut Jasmine Rice.

Sunday, June 11th

Larny's husband ended up having his "boil" lanced as it was not healing. He now has a 1/2" crater in the calf of his leg. Ouch. Mark goes back to work tomorrow. Hopefully his leg does not hurt him anymore. I cooked fresh sockeye salmon for dinner for Dad and Ray tonight. Originally I was baking it in the oven but the oven would not heat up .... so plan B it was put on the tray in the barbeque instead. Turned out well.

Monday, June 12th

We made the mad dash to the hospital as they allowed Mum to call us and she said she was having difficulty breathing. Once there we sorted her out. She had been in quite a bit of pain with her back and once the pain medication kicked in she was fine and went to sleep. She has not been eating since Friday. We double checked with the nurse and her pain medication has been increased so hopefully this does not happen again. Her breathing was fine. Tomorrow Ray is to meet with her Fraser Health Social Worker at 9am to complete a questionaire to determine placement for Mum.

It's a good thing we are at Dad's and not paying site rental. This past month we have spent over $700 in fuel for the car and parking fees visiting the hospital!

Here is a picture of a cactus blooming at Dad's, really beautiful.

Tuesday, June 13th

Ray was at the hospital for the 9 am meeting. He was told that we have two weeks to get a wheelchair, cushion and air mattress in order for Mum as she will be placed somewhere by that time. They are even considering Courtyard Terrace where she was, by having extra care hired to be available for her there.  The facility would however need a hospital bed and a lift there for her. We shall see. They are not really set up there for full-care only assisted living where people pretty much look after themselves regarding going to the bathroom etc. Her case is to go before two committees this week for final acceptance for assistance. She is feeling well enough to eat again. Although still on a "minced" diet.

Wednesday, June 14th

Today is my 5 year anniversary for retirement. Wow the time seems to have blown by.

The forecast for the next few days is showers/rain so Ray and I went to the new Tsawwassen Mills Shopping Mall for something different to do. A huge complex but most of the stores were ones you could find in any other mall. The interior of the mall had quite a few sculptures etc. The Bass Pro Shop is pretty cool though. We did not check out the stores behind the mall, Canadian Tire, Marks Work Wear World etc. More to see another time.

Here are some pictures from google of the mall ... Ray inadvertently deleted the picures he took on his phone! lol

One of the Entrances

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Bass Pro Shop

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Kids play area

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Some of the sculptures exhibited in the mall.

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The Food Court
After an hour of cruising around we decided to go back to Surrey and lunch at Whitespot before heading home. We had thought we would go to a brew pub off of River Road but it turned out to be just a teeny, tiny place where there was only about 10 "chairs" (more like butt inprints on a chunk of wood!) so not suitable for us.

Thursday, June 15

Today we're finally able to take the car in for a brake job. It has been on our "list" for a couple of months but we have been so busy with Ray's Mum and my Dad it has been hard to fit it in. The back up camera stopped working as well. Well, we heard back at 4:30 .... car not finished. Oh well, Kristi can take us to our car tomorrow morning. Kristi arrived at 8:30pm and visited with Dad before bed.

Friday, June 16

Kristi came into the coach about 7 am and we had waffles for breakfast. By 9:30 we were on our way to see Ray's Mum at Burnaby General. She is not looking very good and very weak. I think she's given up. All of her vitals are stable though and she is eating/drinking a little. We took her via her wheelchair out to the patio to enjoy some sunshine. She kept her face to the sun for the 1/2 hour we were out there. Unfortunately they give her pain medication 15 minutes before they use the lift to get her into the wheelchair and it makes her fall asleep so not too much conversation. :) Fraser Health had the panel discussions regarding her case and she's been approved for assisted long-term care. They believe they will have her placed in the next week or so. I've made arrangements for her specialised wheelchair, cushion and air mattress to be available for trialing wherever she ends up.  Ray requested Burnaby facilities as this is her home town and where her friends who come to visit her live.

After our visit with Mum, Kristi drove us back to Surrey where we had a lovely lunch at Brown's Social Club in White Rock. After dropping Ray off at Ford to pick up the car we went back to the coach for the afternoon. Bloody car's cost us $10K over the last two years.  Kristi visited with Dad again and then came back to the coach and crashed for an hour or so. She had an 8:15 ferry reserved out of Tsawwassen and checked if she could leave for an earlier one but there was a 2 sailing wait so she relaxed with us until it was time to leave. Great visit. Love you lots Kristi.


  1. Congrats on 5 years of retirement! Probably doesn't feel like "retirement" right now with how busy you have been.
