Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Family camping at Salmon Point RV Park - May 25 - June 1st

We've been busy for the last three days after Steve and Dianne's visit, packing up the motorhome for our camping trip with the kids. Jason, Kristi and Amelia arrived at Salmon Point RV Park a day earlier than us. 

The day before we left, we managed to get this year's 13 pounds of fresh spot prawns. Amelia loves prawns, so we will be bringing some fresh ones up with us. Wednesday night we feasted before cleaning and freezing the rest.

This is about 10 pounds after taking out 3 pounds.

Thursday morning our RV tech finally received the motor for our fantastic fan, so he came before we left for Campbell River. Mike also installed the newly fabricated tilts for four of our solar panels. Talk about last minute! We finally hit the road at 1 pm for our 2 1/2 hour drive to Salmon Point RV.

Someone is very happy to see us :) Kristi and Jason bought new books for us to read to Amelia. 

Busy afternoon getting set up before our dinner of fresh prawns and corn. Kristi made a sausage and pepper pasta dish, delicious. Lovely to see them. Amelia loves prawns so much she had two in her mouth and one in each hand at one time!

We finished the night sitting at our campfire watching the ocean. A beautiful warm evening with no wind.

Friday morning, Amelia and Jason arrived at 6:30 am so Kristi could go back to sleep. The three of them plus Zeus are not sleeping very well in the trailer. Poor old Zeus pants and shakes the trailer at night.

Wearing Grandma's visor.

Our excursion this morning is Nymph Falls Park and walk through the trees. Boy can Amelia walk well. They only put her in the backpack when we were closer to the river for safety.

Amelia checking out a caterpillar.

After an hour and a half, we all piled back into Jason's truck and headed back to camp. Time to feed Amelia then put her down for her nap. The rest of us puttered outside setting up the rest of our camp. Once Amelia woke, they went swimming.

Of course time for ice cream after. lol

At 4pm we went down to our old neighbours from our Port Alberni days, Denny and Linda's campsite for a short happy hour. It's sure nice catching up with them, albeit briefly. Forgot to take a picture lol

At 5 pm we all out to the Driftwood Chinese Restaurant for their buffet dinner. At the restaurant, Amelia ate really well. That little girl loves prawns and must have eaten over 8 of them herself. 

Food coma lol

We were back at camp at 6:30, but it's too cold with the wind at our site. So we sat around Jason's propane fire at their campsite for a couple of hours. By 8:30 everyone was done, so we headed back to the MH.

Saturday morning at 6:30am, Kristi showed up with Zeus and Amelia, quickly dumped them off and mumbled she was going back to sleep lol. Amelia and I cuddled up watching Saturday morning cartoons. When Kristi came back later at 8 am, Amelia and I mixed up a batch of pancakes.

We all went to the kids park here for some playtime, and of course more ice cream. We then ate lunch before Amelia's naptime. It's quite windy on the point today, so we planned other activities.

Once she woke at 2, we all piled into Jason's truck and headed to Goose Spit in Comox for a walk.

Back into the truck and on to Courtenay to walk the downtown. A new doll for Amelia. 

Firefighting display.

We stopped here at the Blue Spruce for ice cream. Yum

We ate dinner at a sushi place and it wasn't very good unfortunately. Took way too long and we almost had a "baby meltdown". Oh well, it was a great day anyways.

A new book and a new baby doll to help occupy Amelia.

Once everyone drank their coffee and Amelia ate breakfast, Sunday our outing is to Saratoga Beach for an hour or so. Amelia really loved playing in the sand.

Amelia did not want sunscreen on and when Kristi put it on her, I said she had to stay still for mommy to rub it in lol. I took a picture so she could see it needed to be rubbed in and then a picture after Kristi had done so she could see how much better it was. lol.

Hot dogs for lunch before her nap. 

While Amelia went home to nap, we relaxed for a bit before I started prep for our chicken dinner.

While I was making dinner, the kids and Ray went for a walk so Amelia could ride her bike and of course ice cream. lol

After our chicken dinner, Kristi left to go back to Nanaimo as she works tomorrow. Grandma stepped in to help with Amelia's bedtime routine.

Monday, after pancakes with Grandpa, we piled into Jason's truck and headed back to Courtenay to visit Steve and Dianne and see their new spot at the Puntledge RV Park. 

Amelia loved the yummy cookies and Ray and Jason loved the chocolate cupcakes. :) Thanks for all the baking you did Dianne!

We invited Steve and Dianne back to our site to share our dinner of ribs and corn. I had a mess of them and with Kristi not here needed help eating them lol

I fed Amelia her lunch in the truck on the way back to camp so she was ready for her nap when we arrived. Jason put her to bed and I cooked up burgers for our lunch.

I spent the afternoon cooking my ribs, while Ray and Jason took Amelia to the playground. Of course a stop for ice cream, seems to be a theme lol Also a little soccer with Papa.

Every time we've been to Salmon Point there has been an eagle perched on this navigation light in the campsite. This time as well.

I did see a couple of whales go by as I saw their spouts of water. 

Here is a cool Prowler in the campsite with an interesting paint job. Corset, fishnet stockings and black lace panties on the back.

Cruise ship. Unfortunately we go to bed way to early as many neighbours report several ships pass each evening.

Everyone out sitting on the berm enjoying the sunshine.

Steve and Dianne arrived about 3:30pm. Dinner, Ribs, beans and corn.

Jason did all the dishes after our company left and Amelia helped too. lol Such a good little helper.

Zeus enjoying being inside on the couch. lol

Later in the afternoon the wind quit and it turned into a beautiful evening with a lovely sunset.

Tuesday morning we woke up to some sea fog with the smell of smoke in the air. Apparently there is a forest fire north of us in the Sayward area and the wind is pushing the smoke our way. Much cooler today. High temp only predicted to 17C.

Today's adventure took us into Campbell River to Walmart for "shopping" for Amelia. Love her new hairband. After picking up a few things it's off to the More Eatery for breakfast and then playtime at Campbell River's waterfront park for Amelia. 

The rest of the day is quiet, with me doing laundry and Ray sitting out in front watching the water. Jason and Amelia went down for their nap. By the afternoon there was no more smell of smoke in the air, but the wind came up a bit and it was too cool to sit outside. Amelia doesn't mind playing inside the MH with three of us at her beck and call :) 

Bedtime call with mommy while she eats her snack.

Wednesday, our last night here. No smell of smoke in the air, yeah.  We've come down with a bit of a cold this morning. Jason decided to go home a day early as Kristi is home off her call shift and Amelia is missing her mommy. Their mattress in their little trailer gave Jason a sore back and neck so he wanted to go home and sleep in his own bed. Amelia helping Dad fill his tire with air.

I fed Amelia her lunch so she could have her nap on the way home. By 12:15 they were on their way.

We enjoyed a quiet afternoon, needing a "vacation" after playing with our granddaughter.  Quite a cloudy afternoon, so we sat inside watching the ocean from the front window. I did see a whale way off in the distance. Tomorrow we head home. What a fabulous week with Jason, Kristi and Amelia. Already booked for next year. :)

Thursday morning we got everything put away and were on the road at 9:30. Uneventful drive home and we arrived shortly after noon. After parking in the driveway, we headed to Jake's at the Lake for lunch before emptying the MH. It goes to Victoria for repairs tomorrow, so all the upper cupboards needed to be emptied for repairing the sagging panels on our ceiling. There's quite a list of repairs for them.

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