Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Friday, 15 March 2019

Is it still Winter! or is it almost Spring! March 11 to March 14

After the spectacular weekend we just had weatherwise it was unbelievable to see the snow falling again Monday afternoon. It melted as it hit the ground at first and then it stuck as the temps dropped.

Snow has started but there is still green grass.

Snow is now sticking and the grass is covered.
 Hopefully this is the last gasp of winter ... tired of the snow.

Today we had a delivery from Canadian Tire. When Ray and I were at their store last Friday, they had tool chests on sale with more than 50% off. I have been hearing Ray vacuuming like crazy in his workshop, trying to keep all of the sawdust off his tools everytime he uses his saw ... seemed a big waste of time so I encouraged him to buy something to put his tools in that would help with this problem. It did not take too much to convince him especially with the price tag being reduced so much.

Old way of storing his tools.

New way of storing his tools.
The delivery guys were awesome and as they were not very busy they took the chests down the sidewalk and right into the workshop for us. The chests were unpacked and they also installed the legs and lifted the second chest on top for Ray. All Ray had left to do was put the corners on the unit to attach the two pieces together.

It kept snowing all afternoon but only accumulated about 1/2 inch. Took Freya out for her last walk and she loved the new snow.

You coming mom?
We have David Coulson and the deck contractor coming on Wednesday to see about addressing Ray's issues with the deck and finish putting in the last of the tile, we hope. Thursday, the ceiling guy should be coming to fix the corners of the suspended ceiling as they are too thick and the ceiling tile does not seat well in the corners ... apparently his tool to deal with this properly when the tile was installed was stolen with some other tools he had previously that week. So not coming back to fix this since he knew about it ?????? Still have the window frame to be fixed and now that the weather is warming up hopefully this also gets fixed soon. By next Monday we should have a few days between 13 and 15C. It will feel like summer.

Wednesday morning it was a cool 1C that felt like -2C. There is fog on the water thick enough I can't see the other side. Ray had his meeting with David this morning while I was at yoga.  Things will be fixed regarding the deck and the downstairs fireplace that was poorly cemented in. We are going to get a slate slab like we originally intended. The meeting was a "little heated" apparently .... Freya had a "hard day" at her office. lol

I gave up letting her on the couch. She has spent the previous 6 years on the couch of the motorhome and when she is hurting (arthritis) it makes her feel better. lol
Thursday Les and his team from Gordon and Gordon arrived at 7:15 am to fix the corners of the t-bar ceiling. They were done in 10 minutes ... too bad they did not get it done before. Much later in the day the drizzle of rain began. We certainly need it for the lake levels, actually we need three days of torrential rain to fix the low water ....

Tomorrow it is off to Squamish to spend a couple of days with Garrett and Kat. Looking forward to it. 

1 comment:

  1. Old man winter has really been holding on up there! Hopefully Spring is "just around the corner"! Have fun visiting Garrett and Kat!
