Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Monday, 11 October 2021

Thanksgiving Oct 2 - 11th

Tuesday morning, Ray took another crack at fishing and managed to get a small trout in front of Sutton Creek. Catch and release. A friend of ours told me that the kokanee should be in front of Sutton Creek in a week or so. Last year Tyler and his brother-in-law caught 15 in a few hours ... there is hope. lol

Laundry day for me and puttering. Once Ray had rested after fishing, he installed the new light on the sundeck. The motion detector light there that never came on when we wanted it to so needed replacement. I need more light for winter barbecuing :)

We decided to sit on the deck with the heaters on for an hour or so, just to be outside.

It began clouding up and looking like rain, so we came in at 4:30 pm. Another good day at the lake.

Sunday the sun came out to play, so after a waffle breakfast, we took Freya for a short drive to Skutz Falls on the Cowichan River. With the lake up high, we knew there would be quite a bit of water in the river and hoped we would see some salmon at the fish ladders. Ray brought the tripod for some great water fall/fall colours, but I think we are still a week or two early.

Well we didn't see any salmon but the Juan de Fuca Search and Rescue were practicing river rescues and 2 river kayakers went over the falls purposely. Definitely more than we expected to see. The SARS group asked Ray to email the pictures. lol

Ray getting set up.

Freya watching "Daddy".

Help.... help

You missed.

Here I go! They had to jump way out to get out of the whirlpool that was closest as they got pushed right back into the fish ladder.

Here come the kayakers.

There are safety kayaks after the gorge in case these guys run into trouble.

Over he goes!

and pops back right side up.

This guy managed to stay upright.

Beautiful flowing water.

A great day with unexpected company. :) We did not see any fish but one of the SARS people did as they were waiting for people to float by.

Monday morning Ray went fishing for a couple of hours with Darryl and unfortunately were skunked. lol A gorgeous morning though, once the early fog burned off.

Tuesday morning we were out the door at 8:45 am heading to Nanaimo to spend the day with Kristi, Jason and Amelia. On the drive up the sun even came out. We arrived shortly before 10 am and Amelia just woke from her nap. What a happy baby. Lots of smiles.

I like your new teething bead necklace Grandma!

You taking pictures of me again Grandma!

You are funny Grandma!

Grandpa and Amelia sharing cookies. Zeus is waiting for the cookie to hit the floor. lol

Deep conversation. :)

Got back home around 3:30 pm . Shortly thereafter the sky opened up and it became windy. Boy did we time our outing right. :)

Wednesday morning woke to rain but by 6:30am it quit. Today is a busy day. Motorhome into P & R Trucking for some recall work on the diesel motor. I followed Ray in the car to pick him up. Won't get it back until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. While the MH is out of the driveway, we can get the boat trailer out, so we took the boat out for the winter. We loaded it on the trailer and fueled it up, washed off the green stuff on the water line and left it in the driveway. We are waiting to see first when the boat will go in for servicing of the hydraulics on the big motor. The guy in Nanaimo did not have time for it back in July so we just launched it and used it for the season. (Date booked Oct 20) Then it can be washed and put away for the season.

Once we had done all that, it was lunch time. I made a big pot of Lasagna Soup. We will have it for dinner and then the rest will be packaged up for Jason and Amelia. They eat my soup for lunches.

It rained on and off all of Wednesday night. Boo. We should have put the boat in the garage now the carpet is all wet.

Thursday morning, foggy start but it cleared off. I went into Duncan for errands while Ray puttered around with boat gear. Later in the afternoon we backed it into the garage until the 20th so it could dry out. I decided to have our little "turkey dinner" tonight with a turkey breast roulade. (pounded turkey breast with stuffing rolled into it.) No turkey this year as the kids want BBQ chicken on the rotisserie. The sky remained sunny for the rest of the day. Ray tried his luck fishing off the dock but the trout are not liking his offering as they were jumping close to where he was casting. lol 

A beautiful morning.

Friday a beautiful day. Got the motorhome back with a $700 bill for a new sensor when it broke while fixing the parts on recall. Ray puttered in his workshop and I did laundry. How exciting. Gardener was here taking care of mowing the lawn, weeding and reseeding an area where the wood pile used to be. Yard is is good shape for the winter, just a few more shrubs that need pruning.

Saturday we're on our way up to Kristi and Jason's for Thanksgiving. Although the actual festive dinner is not until Sunday we wanted more Amelia time. :)

Fortunately for Freya, Amelia goes in circles or backwards and not forward so her toy is safe. lol

Grandma's teething necklace is good. lol

Having a conversation. :)

The adventures of eating by myself.

Is that so, Grandpa!

Sunday afternoon Pop pop and Granny arrived. A little hesitant at first and then Amelia had a great time with them.

Pop pop teaching Amelia how to drive. lol

I barbecued two chicken on the rotisserie, Jason, Kristi and I prepared the vegetables, cranberry sauce and gravy. Nadine brought the dressing and Pecan Pie for dessert. A fabulous meal. Even Amelia thought so. :) Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Good timing on your visit to Skutz Falls! Must have been fun watching them.
    Looks like a great time at Kristi and Jason's...Happy Thanksgiving! Amelia is such a happy little thing.
