Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Christmas back in the box lol, Amelia comes for New Year's Eve. December 28th - Jan 2nd

Yesterday, Wednesday, we spent several hours putting the Christmas decorations away, ready for Sean to help put them away today.  We popped over next door to Pat and Darryl's for a drink and a short visit with Pat's sister and husband, Laura and Ernie and Pat's mom, Betty. We ate Christmas dinner with them last year as our "Christmas" was on the 23rd due to Kristi working Christmas.

Sean was a bit delayed getting here as he took a ferry over from Powell River and with a crew shortage, they waited for a replacement. He arrived at 1 pm and by 4 pm  the remainder of Christmas was all taken down and put away. The house seems quite dark inside without all the lights. lol

Friday, we did a bit of shopping in Duncan. The main reason being to pick out a floor lamp for a little more light in our living room where the Christmas tree resided. Managed to find one at The Brick. It's on order and we will pick it up when we get back in April. It sort of matches our hanging dining room light.

After shopping we went out for lunch at Original Joe's for fish and chips. Nice change from me cooking. :)

At 4 PM, we went to our neighbours, Ron and Donna's, for a get together with our all our other neighbours. Donna put on a great spread of food. A great catching up how everyone's Christmas went. Shortly after 7 everyone went home. 

Pat, Roy and Ray

Ron and Darryl

Donna and June

Pat, Donna, June.

June and Roy

Saturday morning, still more rain! It's rained almost every day since we got home Dec 5th. Will be nice getting back to sunny skies in Phoenix on January 4th and maybe then I'll get rid of my cough! 

Sunday the sun finally came out. Today Amelia arrives in the afternoon for her sleepover with us while her parents have an "Adult Evening" with friends for New Years Eve. 

Happy New Year!

We spent the morning organizing all our "Christmas garbage" for Jason and Ray to take to the dump for us.

We had a busy 24 hours with Amelia.

Old toys resurrected from when our kids were little.

Happy Birthday Amelia!

Early Birthday Present (for Jan 2)

Playing at our neighbours

Look at my tall tower!

Pancake time.

The sun finally came out so time to get outside.

Off to the Duck Pond Park

Snack time at Tim Horton's

Off to new subdivision park.

New Year's Day featured a Polar Bear Swim next door at the Park. Ray took a few pictures from our dock ... crazy people. Ray said they sure didn't stay in very long lol.

Jason came and picked her up at 1 pm after we ate lunch. Now we won't see her for 3 months. My cold came back with a vengence this afternoon after they left, so I'm back on cold meds and went to bed early.

Jan 2, Happy Birthday Amelia who turns 3 today. We woke to another gloomy day. One more sleep and we start our way back to Phoenix. Looking forward to sunny skies. This month home went by pretty fast. It would've been better had I not got this cold. Next year Jason said Kristi is not allowed to take Amelia off island before Christmas :) Kristi is still coughing this past month too, as well as our neighbours next door. Quite the virus. Amazingly both Ray and Jason are fine.

Tonight Pat and Darryl invited us over for dinner with two of their grandchildren helping. Delicious Beef Bourgineau and fresh buns. Thanks a bunch as our fridge is empty for our departure tomorrow. 

Deb and Emily

Ashton with Darryl, the bun makers.

Darryl and Ray

A great evening, home by 8 pm to check-in with Westjet. After printing our tickets for tomorrow, Westjet delayed our flight to Vancouver from 3:30 to 6pm! Glad we were not catching a connecting flight!.


  1. Great social time with your neighbours! And lots of wonderful Amelia time. Hope you get over your cold soon!

  2. Feeling a bunch better but still have a bit of a cough.
