Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Monday, 22 January 2024

Lake Havasu 13th Annual Balloon Festival - January 18 - 21st Friday Part 2

Friday morning, we were out the door at 6:30 am so we could drive to the parking lot by the Visitor's Centre next to the London Bridge. The balloons come just over the bridge and touch the water on the other side Pretty cool. Today's pretty cloudy ... all day. Here is our sunrise.

I walked along the canal behind Ray, who is rushing ahead to get a spot, and saw this fish, right there! 

Touching the water.

Interesting to see how fast the boats get out of the way, but seem really close still.

Elvis is in the building lol

While we were taking tons of video and photos from the ground this drone took them from the air. Spectacular.

We watched all the activity until 9 am and then headed home to warm up. At 10:30 we finally managed a shuttle to get back to the venue to walk through the classic car display. 

Another highlight is their fresh cinnamon mini donuts for breakfast. lol

Home for lunch and then Ray headed out at 4 to go back to the London Bridge area for today's afternoon ascension. I made dinner while he was gone.

It was not as calm this afternoon so the balloons did not touch the water in the canal.

Ray came back and as I am finishing dinner, I heard the distinctive noise of the gas blowing up a balloon so we went outside.

My cough has been getting worse again, and we both have itchy eyes. With our neighbours help, we figured out what it is. The pollen from the Palo Verde trees is blowing everywhere, the birds are eating the stuff and the bunny's. I'm now taking my allergy pills and it's much better. 

Another great day here at the Havasu Balloon Festival.


  1. The balloons are really magnificent! Great job capturing them, Ray... beautiful!

    1. So fun. We have seen them up close, in the distance, lit up, it's been fabulous.

  2. Lots going on there. I don't know which I liked more, the balloons or cars. Very cool that they would touch the canal.

    1. When they flew over the bridge you could almost touch them.
