Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Monday, 23 July 2018

BC Summer Games and progress on the platform for the gangway.

Kristi and Jason
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, ocean, sky, outdoor, water and nature

This is a fabulous picture of Kristi and Jason on the recent holiday to the Port McNeil area.

Wednesday, up early again and off to Duncan. The new boat needed to go back to the dealer because they installed the drivers seat so far back, Ray could not comfortably reach the steering wheel let alone Kristi or me. So Ray drove the boat over to the launch and I drove around towing the trailer and manged to back it in so he could get onto the trailer. Fortunately we are only spitting distance from the boat launch. Once that was done we headed into Duncan to take the boat back to Monti's and then I drove him across the highway to pick up the motorhome. They ordered the computer board for the jacks, but it will be a week or so before it comes in, so the motorhome comes home.

While Ray took the coach back home I continued on with my shopping trip to Super Store etc. The main reason was going to Home Depot and ordering a gazebo for the dock. With it being mid-summer, summer stuff is being discounted or not in stock anymore and we needed it for the new dock as they will install it for us. The also needed to know the weight so they can block the dock with more support where it will sit. What a process as the only store having the one I wanted was in Victoria and they would not ship it to Duncan. The staff at Duncan worked very hard for over an hour and finally I had purchased the gazebo and they had arranged with ACE Courier to have it delivered to me at the lake. Awesome customer service.

Thursday it was off to Nanaimo for our doctor's appointments and pick up our dining room light fixture from McLaren's Lighting. We had to special order it because having a 30 foot ceiling they had to lengthen the electric wire and chain so it would hang over the table at a proper height. While we were gone the work began on the approach to the gangway for the dock. Another awesome job.

This is built to last. Heavy timbers that will never rot, the decking is Fibreglass with sand painted on that will never rot. Perfect!!! Our next door neighbour came over to have a look and he says his now looks "pitiful" compared to ours. lol Tomorrow they will finish the railings and the transition from this deck to the gangway and then our landscaper Will will get this area filled up with rocks and then the dirt so it is ready for grass seed once the irrigation is fixed.

Starting to look like "Ray's vision".
Thursday night is the opening ceremonies for the BC Summer Games that start here in the Cowichan Valley on Friday morning. The canoe and kayak races will be right in front of our dock! They put out the red buoys Wednesday. Looking forward for our "front row seat". The more "technical" kayak course will be in the Cowichan River.

Friday, the dock guys came first thing and finished the platform for the ramp. Next up was Ray's gardener Will, who spent the day wheeling dirt to back fill the platform. The yard is starting to take shape. I spent a couple of hours watching the kayak/canoe races. It was a bit cool out, only about 22C Other than going to town for my pedicure it was nice to spend the day at home after my busy week. It was a little windy later in the afternoon for the racers ... a few of them tipped over.

Saturday, woke up to clear and sunny skies with no wind. Hopefully it stays this way for the racers. It is supposed to go up to 34C by mid-week. Hot! Hot! Hot! I will be in the lake. :)

Here are some pictures of the racers, taken Friday and Saturday.

Oops... into the water. The RCMP were there for assistance as well.

The Judges

Taking their time getting to the starting line in front of the marina.

Starting Line

Go, go, go!

This group was the fastest of all the races I watched.
Ray walked over to the park next door Saturday morning for these pictures.

Pictures taken from our dock.

Me taking a picture of Ray taking pictures of the races.

At noon Ray's good buddy Martin arrived to spend the day and evening. We have not got together since our Mactush Campsite days when Ray still worked for Western Forest Products. Unfortunately Martin's wife, Suzanne was feeling under the weather so will come for a visit in August instead.

Martin cooling off swimming.

A margarita and sunshine ... what more could you want!

Martin trying out the kayak to get closer to the action.

Martin managed to get up close and personal!

We had a lovely dinner, sat on the deck yakking for a few hours and then it was time for bed. We left Martin watching TV in the loft and Ray and I went to bed. Ray was done in.

Sunday morning we had coffee on the dock and then Eggs Benedict for breakfast. A fabulous visit.

Another fabulous week here in sunny Lake Cowichan.


  1. The gangway looks great! Fun to watch and activities on the lake while sitting on the dock with a beverage to keep you cool......

  2. You sure have a great place to watch all of the activities going on on the lake!
