Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Summer is here so the exterior painting has begun and more company.

Monday morning was sunny and the wind calm. First morning in awhile.  We had a call from a good friend, John Mahon, Sunday afternoon telling us he is in palliative care in Lions Gate Hospital. We knew he had been battling cancer but had no idea it had come to this. We had John stay with us last summer for a few days while his wife, Joane, went to Africa with a friend, to visit their son working there. Ray left early on the ferry this morning to Horseshoe Bay and I stayed home as painters are coming to wash the house in preparation for painting in the next few days. I also have a chest cold, so Ray went over there on his own for the day.

John July 2018 dipping his toes in the lake.
Here are some pictures Ray took at Horseshoe Bay.

I spent the morning sitting out in the backyard with the 3 dogs enjoying the day while the house was being washed. The dogs really like being outside.

Seeing double .. Freya on left, Athena on right.

Dogs enjoying being together in the shade.
Kristi and Jason arrived back from Victoria just after lunch. This time Kristi stayed and Jason continued on home to Nanaimo for a couple of days to get caught up in their house stuff. Ray made it back on an afternoon ferry so it will be just the 3 of us for a couple of days.

Watching Global News tonight there was a story about a young Nanaimo man who died from contact with a bat and ended up with Rabies .... after the bat landed on my arm last Friday Kristi called a GP friend and she did a bit of investigation and told me to head to the Duncan Hospital in the morning to get vaccinated! Apparently because this was a daytime event and the bat looked disorientated and did not immediately fly off ,I fit the parameters of possibly getting rabies! Okay then ...

Tuesday morning Kristi and I headed out at 7:30 am for the hospital. With all of the disease prevention protocol in conjunction with public health, it was 5 hours before they got it sorted what they should give me and how much. After 5 stabbings in various parts of my body, I was good to go.  Still have to go to the Duncan Public Health unit every 3 days for the next week and a half for more stabbings. Yikes. Kristi and I did go out for lunch though and went to White Spot as we had not even had breakfast this morning. Couldn't decided what to have so we split a hamburger and a fish and chip order. lol

I can't believe we ate the whole thing!
Once back home, Kristi headed for a nap before her and Jason have to head back to Victoria for another appointment.  The sun came out, so she was able to spend a little time in the backyard enjoying it. What a day.

Wednesday the predicted rains started overnight. I woke up with a horrible headache ... not sure if it is from the cold or the multiple needles yesterday. Ray had to take Freya to her 8:10 follow-up vet appointment instead of me while I swallowed pills to try and alleviate this headache. Her anal gland problem has not cleared up with the antibiotics. Freya got up this morning hardly being able to move her hind right leg.  She has been having trouble with her limbs for a while now and having Kristi's dogs here has kept her busier than she probably should have been. We will see what the vet says this morning. Ray called me and they are going to do surgery tomorrow on Freya's butt. It is not getting any better so this will be a more permanent solution and she won't be in pain anymore from her butt. As for her back legs ... less running around and keep her on the cosequin and metacam medication.

We are having Malc and Kathy Warrington, our friends from Victoria who also winter in Arizona, to come and meet Kristi's dogs and have an overnight visit. They will be house sitting with Freya and Kristi's dogs for us while we all go on the cruise to Alaska in September. Hopefully the rain quits later this afternoon so they can enjoy the lake but somehow I doubt it. lol

Malc and Kathy arrived around 1:30 pm. Kristi and Jason shortly after. After visiting a while I got the barbecue going for our roast pork. Lots of laughs and the dogs had a great time visiting with new people. Unfortunately, the weather for the day was not great so we had to stay inside.

Image may contain: people sitting, dog, table and indoor
Yes Grandma .. we will be good for Malc!

We all had a great dinner including Kathy's English Trifle. Delicious.

Everyone was is in bed either reading or sleeping by 9:30 pm after our food coma! lol

Thursday morning was sunny so we were able to sit awhile on the sundeck with the heaters on as everyone was up by 6:30 am. After several cups of coffee I made breakfast of bacon and blueberry pancakes. 

The dock guys arrived around 9am and started working on putting some new decking on the dock as well as "button washers' to prevent any more screws from getting pulled through the wood. A good portion were done, but lots more to go. They had to leave around noon to go to another job but will be back.

At 9:30 the painters arrived and started on the right side of the house that had the most paint damage due to the bats.

No more white strips of caulking. Yeah!

Malc and Kathy left at around 9:30 am as they had a bunch of stuff to do before they leave for England next week and I had to take Freya to the Vet for surgery on her butt.

Everyone assumed the same positions but with different food. lol

Freya came through her anal gland surgery well apparently, but is really feeling the effects of the anesthetic. Practically dead to the world all afternoon. She is so still I check to make sure she is still breathing every now and again.

She stayed pretty quiet all afternoon and into the evening. Poor Freya. The vet called me around 4:30 to update me on her surgery and she believes the cleanout of her anal gland was successful. Check up in a week to make sure. If this does not fix the problem she will have to have further surgery. Also Dr. Wiley told me that her back leg problem is a partially torn ACL. Options are surgery for about $6000 or physiotherapy to build up the surrounding muscles. We are picking option 2. Swimming is the best thing for her and we have the lake, right out our back door. At nine years old I think it would be too hard on her for the surgery especially since her front shoulders also have arthritis and are sore. Garrett's dog had a similar injury and managed to adapt her walk so she has no problem. Freya already does a lope as her leg has been sore for a while. All of our other shepherds have only lived until 10 or 11 years of age and Freya is 9. We shall see how it goes. On the up side, her teeth are in pretty good shape and she does not require any dental surgery at this time. It sure is the pits getting old.

Friday I headed into town to get one of my 3 more rabies vaccines ... and did some grocery shopping in preparation for company this weekend. When I got back Kristi, Ray and I went for a slow boat cruise.

Whatcha looking at?

Otherwise we sat outside and enjoyed the day. Only one of the painters were here today.

Saturday, my old boss Glenn Matthieson and his wife Maria were coming to spend the afternoon and have an overnight with us. We have not seen them since we went on the road 6 years ago. Kristi helped tidying up the house from all the dog hair ... lol while I prepped dinner so we could enjoy ourselves down at the dock. Jason was in Nanaimo attending one of Kristi's work function barbecue's on her behalf bringing her contribution. While waiting for them Kristi and I went for a float in our water loungers.

Athena decided to try out the lounger. lol

As it turned out Glenn and Maria had their boys overnight so ended up leaving later from Port Alberni and did not arrive until 3:30 pm.

Dock Time!

Maria and Glenn 


Even Ray went swimming.

Dogs too.


Glenn and Maria brought steaks for dinner and a Korean fire roasted chicken appetizer. Thanks a bunch. Had a fabulous evening with lots of laughs. All of us in bed by 9:30 pm after the day in the sun.

Sunday morning first thing, Kristi went for her first summer kayak ride. Once everyone was up after sitting on the dock with coffee and Carolan's it was time to have breakfast. Glenn and Maria have to head home as their boys are staying at the house this weekend.

This morning in the Lake Cowichan River at 9am. they had Guiness Book of Records representatives here to see if we could get the longest string of tubes in the river. They had special sunscreen for everyone so not to bother the fish in the river which has been a big bone of contention over the last few years with low water in the river. 

Apparently we broke the old record. There were 219 tubers but they measure the length. Pictures from facebook below.

Image may contain: outdoor, water and nature

Image may contain: sky, tree, outdoor, nature and water

And a lovely weekend was had by all. After they headed out around 10 am, Kristi Ray and I headed back down to the dock for the day. This was the hottest day yet since May at 28C.

Jason came back to the lake from Nanaimo in time for barbecued hamburgers for dinner. A quiet evening after the day in the sun. I was in bed by 8 pm to watch some TV and lights out at 9pm. Kristi has a couple more days of holidays before heading back to Nanaimo for work.

And that was our busy week with lots of company.


  1. Great fun! House is looking good, it'll be brand new in short order.

    1. It will be nice to have everything finally done. Seems like forever but in reality it has only been 14 months.

  2. Great summer fun on the lake! Looking forward to our turn next month!

  3. The weather and water looks great! I would love to walk the harbor at Horseshoe Bay and look at all those boats!
