Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Amelia has a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's. July 18 and 19th

Warning, lots of baby pictures. lol

Monday morning, July 18th, I met Jason at Highway 18 Junction at 8:30 am and picked up Amelia bringing her back to the lake. Jason was heading to Victoria to help a friend gut her kitchen in preparation for her remodel. As Kristi was on call, I took the baby for the night. The kids bought a learning tower for us here at the house. Amelia loves to spend time in it at counter level.

Snack time.

Playing with Grandpa

Reading with Grandpa, Grandma is not allowed.

Second breakfast before nap.

Amelia loves to smell the flowers.

She tells Grandpa he has to sit beside her when she is in her learning tower. Too funny.

We had such fun. She is walking like crazy. We took her on a couple of stroller rides and walked the yard in between her having a nap. 

By 6pm she was done after dinner.

I'm tired Grandma.

So it was off to the bath before she crashed. lol After changing her into her night sleepers, bottle and brush her teeth she was out like a light at 6:45pm. However, she was awake crying at 10:30. Got her settled again and then she was awake every hour all night for couple of minutes each time which of course woke me up with the baby monitor.

The next morning she was really sleepy ... me too! 

Back to sleep for an hour on Grandma's chest

She normally goes down for a nap at 11:30 am but today it was 9:45 am. Once she was up I tried to feed her some fruit.

Not the happiest little face.

After a bit of fruit it was back in Grandma's arms to snooze until Jason arrived at 12:15 to pick her up.

After her snooze she was a little better. It turned out she was teething with molars and actually popped one out last night, hence the no sleep. Poor little tyke. If I had known I would have given her some Tylenol for babies.

20 minutes after Jason loaded her up with her meds.

So glad we had a good day on Monday before she started feeling out of sorts. I was so tired I went to bed at 9pm on Tuesday night and slept right through until 6 am.  Would not have traded our visit with anything. :)

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