Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunday, 28 October 2018

A rainy weekend, first Strata Meeting and Psychocross at the park.

Saturday morning we woke up to very thick fog. You couldn't even see the other side of the lake. It was supposed to burn off  later in the morning. The fog lifted around 10 am off showing off a little sunshine. Kind of spooky, perfect for Halloween. See our gorgeous tree on the far right, it has now lost most of its leaves.

Here is what it used to look like just a week or so ago.

We had our first Strata Meeting at Mike and Deb's next door. Almost everyone attended, other than a couple that were in Mexico and the empty lot #2 people. Very low key meeting and it was nice to meet all of the neighbours formally.  Ray says lots of baking to enjoy too!

Not the best picture but I was being sneaky ... I don't think they even knew I took a picture. lol
The meeting lasted about 2 hours. After Ray had a bit of a lay down, after being forced to sit that long, and I messed about in the kitchen, we decided to have a campfire in the back yard for awhile. We managed about half an hour before the predicted rain began. It was nice anyways to get a little fresh air and Freya sure appreciates us being outside with her to throw her stick. The old wood stove we are using for our fires is great, as when we want to come in, we just close it up and don't have to worry about putting the fire out. Ray is burning all of the 2x4 construction ends. We get a quick hot fire.

Tonight we have been invited to Pat and Darryl's (next door neighbours) for dinner. They had invited Donna and Ron for dinner as well. All of us ate and drank well. lol Darryl did the cooking as Pat's hand is still healing from an injury in mid-September. Ray and I did not get home until 11:15 pm. Wow, the latest we have been up in awhile.

Pat, Darryl, Ron, Donna and Me

It poured hard overnight but had lightened up by 7:30 am when it started to get light. Ray went over  to the the park with Freya and noticed that they were setting up for this bike race. What a wet mucky day for them. lol

Ray went back later in the afternoon in between showers to take some pictures. The riders sure got muddy and unfortunately they have torn up the park where Ray usually walks Freya.

The guy behinds OH SH>>>T moment! ... a new type of "tree-hugger"!

And another one bites the dust ... er mud!

Yup the beach is a mess.

There were a few people in costume and a few things for kids.

Here is one of the few riders that dressed up a little.

All the trails are torn up ... I guess they are not worried as the park is mostly not used through the winter except for dog walkers. Hopefully we get some days soon for things to dry out (forecast shows five days of light rain). Ray said the riders that had finished were so muddy they were all being hosed off before they could change out of their clothes.  One decided the lake as a good option as well.

I saw a bald eagle this afternoon in a tree across the lake eating what I think was a fish, so the salmon must be making their way up the river to the lake.  There's a few boats trolling in front of us the last week.

Other than checking out the bike race, we had a pretty quiet Sunday with me catching up on some chores, i.e. ironing etc. Ray used the shop vac and vacuumed up the construction sawdust downstairs while I vacuumed a couple of carpets so we could roll them up out of the way before they start making more mess tomorrow. Unfortunately, while cleaning up I noticed that the plumbers put the kitchen plumbing in the wrong place for the cabinet to be installed ... they were following my old plan which had the masking tape on the floor instead of the new drawings from Coulson Design that Roger, our site supervisor should have shown them????? Geezzz.


  1. aargh! How frustrating. Hopefully it won't take too long for them to return and put the plumbing in the right spot.
