Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Monday, 22 October 2018

Our super friends, Malc and Kathy come to visit

Saturday, Ray and I headed off to Duncan to scout the Home Show at the Exhibition Grounds. We found a few things of interest but it sure is a small venue. After a quick walk through, we headed back into Duncan to the Farmer's Market, where I get my weekly massage from a guy there. Ray always gets his breakfast from the bakery booth. lol We always seem to find something to buy. A great venue that runs 12 months of the year.

Ray and I have wondered what the food was like at Pho Vuong Restaurant that is located right at the Farmer's Market. Today was the day. The Pork Belly Pho was good. We look forward to trying other things there once in awhile. It is quite small and the staff are very friendly. We were told that it is the Restaurant's 30th Anniversary.

Freya was happy to have us back home for some outside time. Ray and I spent a couple of hours sitting on the dock. We need to get in the last bit of warm sunshine before the weather turns on Tuesday to more fall wet weather.

We were not the only ones enjoying the day. This houseboat spent a couple hours cruising around.

Sunday, foggy but the sun is supposed to come out later. Our friends Malcolm and Kathy from Victoria are coming to spend the day with us. It will be great getting our last visit in before they head south for the winter.

I spent the morning getting everything for dinner prepped so I could spend more time visiting when they arrive, which they did promptly at 2 pm. I had just sat down so perfect timing. Freya was over the moon that her "people" were here. She had not seen them since June. Malc and Kathy had looked after her in Arizona last winter when Ray and I had to come back to Vancouver due to my Dad's passing. They spoil Freya with lots of cuddles.

The weather was wonderfully warm and sunny so we sat down at the dock for an hour or so.

Freya getting her cuddles from Kathy

Lamb Shanks, Mashed Potatoes and Orange Ginger Carrots and Asparagus. Love my InstantPot
Malc went outside and took a picture of our house from the dock.

A wonderful visit. Love you guys. Safe travels and see you next spring.

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