Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Sunset at the Krystal Grand Nuevo Vallarta

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Last days of April with the April Showers ... RAIN

Monday, April 27 started out with the promise of clearing after raining all night. It was just teasing us as after a couple hours the teaming showers returned. Hopefully this rain brings the May flowers as the saying goes.

My "big excursion" today was running into Country Grocer for a few items at 8:30 am. Great time to go as very few people in the store and you could smell the sanitization that was done before opening. Of course the rain began teaming down as I was unloading at home. :)

Not much else happened here today. Here is a picture of one of the many planters Ray is in the process of building for me.

Tuesday started off nice and sunny with the lake very calm. There is a guy on a little tiny skiff out there every morning fishing. He must be catching something to be so diligent about it ... or does not want to be home with the wife. lol

Across the lake from us, the excavators are working 6 days a week moving material to get ready for construction of a residential subdivision on the reserve. They will be "owned houses or condos" on leased land. They cleared the area of trees last summer so we expected more progress when we got home this spring but I guess they did not want to build in the winter. They did leave a bunch of trees along the water so it won't be so stark. There is also plans for another beach to be put in and a marina. So,first thing in the morning, we hear the sound of birds until about 7:30 am and then it's noise for the rest of the day. :)

I drove to Country Grocer and bought a hydrangea for my new front planter Ray built. Looks lovely.

I made my first "fitted mask" to see how it goes. Turned out pretty good. Followed an online video. :) Now that I finally received my elastic I will be making about 10 "surgical style" masks for Kristi to use for patients at her office and then make more of this fitted style for Ray and I. I have collaborated with Dianne, she will make the crocheted ear savers for us and I will make them some masks. :)

Wednesday, it was pickup the online groceries in Duncan day. Ray came with me to pick up some beer at the Beverly Liquor Store which has a great selection compared to here in Lake Cowichan.

Once everything was sanitized and put away we managed an hour on sitting on the dock in the lake as the sun tried to come out from the clouds. A nice interlude before the wind and rain came back. By 4pm it was definitely ugly outside again.

Thursday, another wet morning. Hopefully it dries out a bit this afternoon so all the rain has a chance to soak in and the flower beds get a little sunshine. Ray spent the morning building planters in his shop and I started making masks for Kristi's office. Rained on and off all day.

And so ends the month of April ... time is going by very quickly. My flowers in the garage are waiting for better days to be snuggled in their planters and hangers. :)

 Here is a link to a video with a poem about "Covid Crisis". I found it very applicable and an interesting perspective.

The Great Realization


  1. Good job with the mask. Sure wish my sewing machine hadn't conked just before the lockdown... now I have to wait until I can get another or I'd be making some for people too.

    How is the lake water level? We sure had a hell of a lot of rain this winter and I've often thought of your backyard.

    1. The lake level has come up somewhat, about a good foot in the past couple of days. Currently our lower beach is completely under water. A long way from flooding and the levels at the beginning of February, so no worries here.

  2. The fitted masks look better than lots of the other options. We use the paper surgical ones right now or the bandana from the bike. I hope we soon get to a place where we can go out without masks. Play safe!
